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Popular Frequently Asked Questions

See all of our FAQ help points

Where will I find the annual National Insurance Contributions (NIC) deducted from my annual pay.
You can get this from your P60 or from your employer. Alternatively, you can estimate the annual figure by taking the NIC from one of your payslips and multiplying this  by 12.
What are 'Liquid Assets'
In Lifeplan 'Liquid Assets' are Cash, Current Accounts, Deposits and those assets that can be encashed in small amounts at short notice e.g. National Savings, ISAs, Shares, Unit Trusts, Investment Funds. They exclude assets which can only be sold whole or where encashment rights are limited e.g. Home, Pension Fund, Property and Business Investments.
What does LifePlan mean by Private Pension Plan?
A Private Pension plan means any pension plan where you have accumulated a fund that will be used in the future to provide an annuity or an income drawdown arrangement e.g. a Personal Pension Plan (Individual or Group), a Stakeholder Pension Plan (Individual or Group), a Defined Contribution (Money Purchase) Occupational Pension Scheme, a S32 Buy Out Plan.
What does LifePlan mean by SIPP?
A SIPP is a Self Invested Personal Pension.
I have an investment that is not specified in any of the Lifeplan questions.
If this investment generates taxable income, enter these details as a Personal Investment in the Assets and Investments  section. If this investment generates tax-free income, enter these details in the ISA/other tax-free  investment section within Assets and Investments.

Retire Easy Ltd.

RetireEasy is the UK’s only independent retirement planning tool. LifePlan gives you an overview of all of your assets – including investments, pensions, savings, business assets and properties – and the income you will receive after liabilities such as debts, mortgages and income tax. It is not just a snapshot, but shows you how your finances will evolve throughout your retirement.

With Premium LifePlan you can model a Lifetime Mortgage, create and compare up to 10 scenarios of your financial future, radically reduce life insurance costs through a Life Assurance Premium Checker and you can print user-friendly narrative reports.

RetireEasy was established in 2011 and has helped thousands of users to understand their finances throughout retirement and adjust their plans to ensure that their money will last.


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New features on RetireEasy.

Not yet retired?

You can now include all your additional savings, investments and Pension Contributions between now and your retirement, taking into account increasing these Additional Contributions year-on-year and stipulating whether these are one-off or recurring contributions. As always, you can revisit these projections and change them at any time either when your expectations change, or you have real numbers to replace projections already made.

New useful charts?

There are now three additional charts, further breaking down your assets and income.

Download your data in a spreadsheet?

You can now also download spreadsheets giving you the opportunity to view all of your entered information, and your entire LifePlan in one glance.

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