RetireEasy visualises your LifePlan in easy-to-read charts to show you how much money you have available annually against how much money you expect to spend.
You can choose how simple or detailed you want the charts to be: they are totally adaptable and flexible to your needs.
This helps you build an accurate, immediate picture of any shortfalls in income during your retirement or, indeed, if you could be spending a little bit more to live the retirement lifestyle you really want to live.
This chart shows how you will achieve your desired income level in the future and where the income will come from. You can change the time span of the chart as well as rollover or click the bars to gain extra insight into what each bar comprises.
Your future may be a lot brighter than you think.
RetireEasy enables you to live the lifestyle you choose.
RetireEasy is the UK’s only independent retirement planning tool. LifePlan gives you an overview of all of your assets – including investments, pensions, savings, business assets and properties – and the income you will receive after liabilities such as debts, mortgages and income tax. It is not just a snapshot, but shows you how your finances will evolve throughout your retirement.
With Premium LifePlan you can model a Lifetime Mortgage, create and compare up to 10 scenarios of your financial future, radically reduce life insurance costs through a Life Assurance Premium Checker and you can print user-friendly narrative reports.
RetireEasy was established in 2011 and has helped thousands of users to understand their finances throughout retirement and adjust their plans to ensure that their money will last.