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Countdown is on for investment that reaps profits after three years

There can’t be many better sure-fire investments than plugging gaps in your National Insurance record – and the countdown is now on for anyone who has gaps going right back to 2006 Here’s an interesting stat. Just over half of the people currently receiving the new state pension receive the full amount, according to research […]

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Will you REALLY be retiring when you planned?

If you’ve got your retirement date fixed firmly in your mind, then you’re in the minority according to new research… which explains why a staggering 70% of professionals currently in work may well be delaying their exit from the world of work. By Tony Watts OBE The findings come from research carried out by from […]

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“Pension disengagement” could cost you up to £500,000 in retirement

“Failing to actively engage” with pensions during one’s working life could have a “staggering financial impact”, according to a new report from PensionBee, a leading online pension provider. Are you on top of your retirement finances? New research from pension provider Pension Bee suggests that failing to stay right on top of where your savings […]

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How ethical are we when it comes to investing? Well that depends…

Just how ethical are tomorrow’s retirees when it comes to where their savings are invested? New research shows that age is a big factor… The decision that savers were traditionally asked to make by advisers was their preferred balance between risk and return.  But here’s a different spin with an old coin: how much longer […]

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It’s tax return deadline – don’t miss out on these ways to boost your pension

If, like many of us, you’ve left filing your Self-Assessment to HMRC to the last minute, then it might not be too late to take advantage of these suggestions to boost your pension savings from online pension provider PensionBee. Lisa Picardo, Chief Business Officer UK at PensionBee says: “For many, completing a tax return could unlock unexpected pension benefits. If you’ve […]

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Don’t go into the unknown in 2025!

Here are the expert tips you need to ensure you enjoy a comfortable retirement New research from Standard Life reveals that one in four (24%) people aged 55 and over have never checked their pension, highlighting how a worrying number of people fast approaching retirement age have not engaged with their finances. Standard’s Life research […]

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The facts YOU need to know about health insurance

While private health insurance can offer many benefits, there are also some common challenges that policyholders might face. Here, our partners  Usay Compare, the UK’s largest individual health insurance brokers, set out the facts you need to know – and there’s a great discount offer for all of our subscribers. When it comes to health insurance in the UK, […]

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Authoritative new pension report looks ahead to 2034

A comprehensive new report looks back at how pensions have evolved over the past 50 years… and looks ahead to what savers and investors should expect in the next decade. The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) has released “A 50-Year Retrospective”, sponsored by Capita Pension Solutions, to mark its 50th anniversary. As well as analysing how […]

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