
Updates and Views from RetireEasy

More than a quarter of us in the dark over pension contributions

New research from Hargreaves Lansdown has found that more than a quarter (26 per cent) of people do not know how much they and their employer are contributing to their pension. Knowing exactly how much is going in is vital in order to understand what your final pension might be in retirement – and whether […]

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Five New Year resolutions to keep your retirement plans on track

A new year is upon us, writes Tony Watts OBE. What will YOU be doing to ensure your retirement plans are on track? Here are five things to consider…         1)  Track down any lost pensions An estimated £19.4 billion is currently lying in pension pots… unclaimed by their rightful owners. That’s […]

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How many workers think they’ll never be able to retire?

  New figures show that over a million of the UK’s workforce (6%) believe that they will never be able to retire, while some 17.1 million (44%) think they will definitely be working past the State Retirement Age (SRA) and over a fifth (22%) are unsure how long their retirement savings will last. The latest […]

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Is it time to plan for your future care costs?

After years of delay, the Government has published its plans on how they will help cap the amount of money you will pay should you go into care. And while the proposals (which are for England only) have attracted plenty of negative comment, they do at least enable people to put in place plans on […]

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Why inflation can be so scary… and what you can do to mitigate it

Does inflation matter to one’s retirement plans? Richard Collinson “reads the runes” on what might lie ahead…and how we can make sure our plans stay on course. It seems like a long time ago that inflation was a concern to the economy. Since topping out at 4.46% in 2011, it’s been bumping along at just […]

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Are people in their 50s and 60s “the forgotten generation”?

While the focus on inequality within society often looks at those late in life, a new report sheds light on problems looming for the generation heading towards retirement – not least serious levels of ageism at work According to a new report from the Centre for Ageing Better, “Boom and Bust”, people in their 50s […]

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Is downsizing really such a good move?

If you’re “asset rich and cash poor”, you might well be tempted to consider releasing capital during retirement by moving. But while it can work for many people, it’s a route that needs to be carefully calculated first, writes Tony Watts OBE. It will come as no surprise that, for a large chunk of the […]

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