
Updates and Views from RetireEasy

Multiple pension pots are confusing the nation

Yet another survey has revealed what has become clear for some time now: only a minority of people saving for a pension in the UK are fully clued up on how much they have saved and how much they will need to retire comfortably. According to new research from digital pension provider Penfold, some 54 per cent […]

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Planning to continue working from home? You’re one of the selfish ones apparently By Tony Watts OBE, RetireEasy director and co-author of “The Midlife Review”

During the last year, I’ve been writing extensively about the changes in workplace habits wrought by the pandemic… in particular the way that remote working has become not only acceptable in many companies but almost the norm. So I was a bit surprised to read an article in The Metro by Andrew Carter (chief executive of […]

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Is the Lifetime Allowance under threat… again? By Mark Soper ACII

The perennial rumours have once again started to circulate about the possible tax targets in the sights of the Chancellor as he seeks to recoup some of the extraordinary costs of the pandemic. As usual, the pensions system is a cause for concern, with speculators and the media alike purporting all sorts of leaks from […]

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Will your pension be used to fund the “Covid bounce-back”?

  Rishi Sunak appears to be pushing ahead with plans to encourage pension funds to divert up to £500bn into infrastructure projects and start-up companies in order to boost the economic bounce-back from Covid. His “Long-Term Asset Fund”, announced last November, is planned to launch before the end of 2021. The UK has some £2.2trillion […]

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Is Britain ageist?

Have you ever suffered from ageist attitudes? And, if so, do you think it’s a problem that the country needs to address? By Tony Watts OBE Many people think we are living in an increasingly compartmentalised society, with different groups living in, and separated by, their own communication bubbles and not connecting to others. But […]

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Warning that savers are taking riskier choices without taking advice

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) has sounded a warning to people saving for, or in, retirement after research showed that just one in eight is taking advice from an Independent Financial Advisor (IFA) while one in five has considered riskier pensions and investment products because of poor returns from mainstream products. The prolonged, historically-low […]

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