
Updates and Views from RetireEasy

Pensioners warned that property is no “get out of jail free” card

Thinking that you can fall back on your property later in life because your pension won’t be enough? You might have to think again. New research from Royal London – “Will Housing Wealth Solve the Pensions Crisis?” – examined the pension income and housing wealth of nearly 7,000 pensioners across Great Britain and argues that, for […]

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“Let us unlock our pensions” say five million retirees

A new campaign is underway to persuade the Government to stick to its promise and allow those who retired before 2015 to enjoy the potential benefits of pensions freedom. When the Government introduced pensions freedom, up to five million people who had already invested in an annuity were “left behind” – but the Government promised […]

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The good news… and the bad news… on pensions

The growth in pensioners’ incomes is currently outpacing that of those in work. But there are clouds on the horizon… Some good news for those deemed to be in a “pensioner household”: you are faring rather better than those still doing the 9 to 5. Last year the median disposable income of those in retirement […]

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New report vindicates RetireEasy’s raison d’etre

  A new study by the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) has found that on average people aged between 70 and 90 only use less than a third of their assets to fund their lifestyles in retirement. Over two thirds still remain at the end of their lives. That’s fine if it is the intention […]

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Could you, should you, top up your State Pension?

If you’re still working towards the State Retirement Age, will YOU be receiving the full amount to which you’re entitled? For many of us, the State Pension is a core part of our retirement income – and even if you have a private pension or additional investments it can provide a reliable income stream. Royal […]

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Is it time to give yourself a “Mid-Life MOT”?

If you have retirement in your sights at some time over the next 20 years, perhaps it’s worth finding out if your financial plans are on course… by Tony Watts OBE Even blindingly obvious ideas can sometimes take a bewilderingly long time to come to fruition, and a concept I and others working in the […]

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You can now include all your additional savings, investments and Pension Contributions between now and your retirement, taking into account increasing these Additional Contributions year-on-year and stipulating whether these are one-off or recurring contributions. As always, you can revisit these projections and change them at any time either when your expectations change, or you have real numbers to replace projections already made.

New useful charts?

There are now three additional charts, further breaking down your assets and income.

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You can now also download spreadsheets giving you the opportunity to view all of your entered information, and your entire LifePlan in one glance.

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