
Updates and Views from RetireEasy

Is it time to give yourself a “Mid-Life MOT”?

If you have retirement in your sights at some time over the next 20 years, perhaps it’s worth finding out if your financial plans are on course… by Tony Watts OBE Even blindingly obvious ideas can sometimes take a bewilderingly long time to come to fruition, and a concept I and others working in the […]

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People working longer as prospective retirement time lengthens

A record number of older workers are now boosting the country’s economy: almost 10.4 million people aged 50 and over. The number of people who have retired before 65 is also at a record low: 1.15 million. With the trend set to continue, the proportion of older workers is set to rise to one in […]

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The story of how RetireEasy began… We’re raising our prices to all new subscribers after May 1st — so this is a good time to explain why and how it all began By Richard Collinson, CEO & Co-founder

The story of how RetireEasy came to be has been reported in quite a few newspaper articles over the last few years, but I’ve never given the whole narrative from my   side – and I’m always being asked to do so. Here then is a potted version of how we started and what happens next! […]

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“Retirement apartheid” as gender pay gap extends to pension freedoms

While this April marks the third anniversary of the pension freedoms, new research shows that women are still lagging far behind their male counterparts in the benefits they receive after retirement. The research from AJ Bell, one of the UK’s largest providers of online investment platforms and stockbroker services, demonstrates that: Withdrawals made by women […]

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Beastly Headwinds on the Horizon for Workplace Pensions

We know what happens when a Beast from the East mixes with moisture rising from the South and a similar concoction is brewing for workplace pensions… Mark Soper explains. From April this year many workers – particularly those you work for small to medium sized companies — will see their take-home pay falling as a […]

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Markets in Turmoil

There is now no doubt that we are in a period of great uncertainty – all the more reason to revisit and update your ReireEasy LifePlan. Donald Trump is teetering on the brink of triggering a trade war, with who knows what end game. How that would affect the UK is impossible to predict but, […]

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Millions of people vulnerable to “the most obvious pension scams”

If you’ve got a pension pot, you’re in the cross hairs of a cyber scammer. And a worrying 29% of us would fall prey, according to new research. By Tony Watts OBE New research has highlighted the difficulty that many people have in spotting pension scams. When the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) provided […]

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“Bring back National Service,” say pensioners. Really?

Tony Watts OBE wonders why so many older people apparently think it’s a good idea for youngsters to do National Service. Like most people of my generation who managed to miss out on National Service by a decade, I spent my late teenage years growing my hair. It was, if I may say so, a […]

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You can now include all your additional savings, investments and Pension Contributions between now and your retirement, taking into account increasing these Additional Contributions year-on-year and stipulating whether these are one-off or recurring contributions. As always, you can revisit these projections and change them at any time either when your expectations change, or you have real numbers to replace projections already made.

New useful charts?

There are now three additional charts, further breaking down your assets and income.

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You can now also download spreadsheets giving you the opportunity to view all of your entered information, and your entire LifePlan in one glance.

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