
Updates and Views from RetireEasy

How much could renting add to your retirement costs?

How much difference could renting in retirement make to your outgoings… and the amount you need to put aside? New figures reveal all. People who expect to rent throughout their retirement could need an additional £391,000 in savings compared to those who have paid off their mortgage, according to new analysis from Standard Life, part […]

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Good news for DB pension holders… with a caveat

New research by Mercer will make welcome reading for many Defined Benefit pension holders: the aggregate surplus across company accounts of FTSE 350 pension funds soared to £79 billion in May 2024, the highest level ever recorded. However the announcement does come with a caveat. Mercer’s Pensions Risk Survey shows the value of liabilities for […]

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Majority of pension funds “underperforming FTSE share tracker”

Are pension savers being short-changed? New analysis shows how badly many long-established pension funds are performing compared to simple FTSE tracker. Research by AJ Bell has shown that a staggering nine out of ten pension funds (91%) have underperformed a FTSE All Share tracker over the last ten years. Some 72% of UK pension funds have underperformed […]

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GE 2024 and YOUR finances

Both main political parties will be keen to put some “clear blue water” between themselves and their rivals in the weeks ahead on a whole range of policies. But what should savers and investors be watching for in the opposing manifestos and speeches? By Tony Watts OBE. “It’s the economy, stupid”, goes the oft-quoted refrain […]

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If you provide care for a grandchild, you could get a pension boost

If you, or your partner, have been providing childcare during term-time or school holidays, you may be able to qualify for a State Pension top up that will typically boost payments by more than £6,000 over a 20-year retirement period. The top up (known as the Specified Adult Childcare credit) can plug gaps in your […]

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Are you owed some of “Britain’s missing billions”?

Did you know that an estimated £89 billion is currently going unclaimed in some 28 million forgotten bank and savings accounts, premium bonds, pensions, insurance policies and Child Trust Funds? But how do you go about checking one of them is yours or a relative’s? A recent ITV report, using data from the asset tracking service […]

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You can now include all your additional savings, investments and Pension Contributions between now and your retirement, taking into account increasing these Additional Contributions year-on-year and stipulating whether these are one-off or recurring contributions. As always, you can revisit these projections and change them at any time either when your expectations change, or you have real numbers to replace projections already made.

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