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Three easy ways to boost your retirement income By Tony Watts OBE

A report from Aegon hit the headlines recently, telling us that the average pension pot has almost doubled in the last couple of years. That’s great news – except that we are starting from a ludicrously low base. The average figure is now a titchy £50,000 – enough, if invested in an annuity, to yield […]

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New “Kiddie Tax” will help support their grandparents’ pensions

A leaked government document has revealed that a working party has been set up to study the possible introduction of taxing 5-15 year olds in order to supplement the incomes of poorer pensioners. The document reveals that children in this age group receive, on average, £10 weekly pocket money – which the working party says […]

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Number of women working into their 70s doubles in five years

One in nine women aged 70 and over are still in work, according to new official data –double the figure from just five years ago. The figures show 5.6% of women stopped working after the age of 70 in 2012 – rising to 11.3% in 2016. Concerns over their future pension income, together with a […]

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Rising inflation has now put most savings accounts into the red

How much are you earning on your savings accounts? If it’s not at least matching the rate of inflation you are, technically, losing value on that account. And with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) now at 1.8%, the vast majority are – indeed – no longer a guaranteed way to see your money grow. Most […]

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If you’re over 55 and with capital you can access, there’s a good chance you’ll be on the radar of the investment scammers. Fall victim and there’s a good chance that’s the last you’ll see of your money… Been offered a wonderful investment opportunity recently that sounds too good to be true? Then it was […]

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The recent report finding that today’s pensioner households are, on average, £20 a week better off than those of working-age people made headlines in most of the media. Not surprisingly so, as it would, on the surface of it, appear to vindicate the siren calls to end the triple lock on State Pension increases… including […]

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When you hear the word “retirement”, what thoughts does it summon up? In fact, go one further. Write down the first three words that come into your mind. Then ask several of your friends and family to do the same. The odds are stacked against the same three words cropping up… simply because our situations […]

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