
Updates and Views from RetireEasy

Budget 2016: Pensions overview

Mark Soper, co-founder of, said: Lifetime ISA ‘The new Lifetime ISA appears to be a hugely watered down version of the radical Pension ISA and tax relief reforms that were being talked about before the Budget. However, the new Lifetime ISA does provide an attractive long-term savings plan for a huge swathe of the […]

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Thanks for Interrupting My Holiday George!

I returned to work from a holiday in India on Saturday and whilst I was away and thanks to today’s efficient mobile technology I could not help but notice the gathering momentum of George Osborne’s desire to overhaul the pension system yet again with the introduction of a new Pension ISA and the withdrawal of […]

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How to solve the Euro Crisis in 7 Easy Steps

Here’s Richard’s recommendation for solving the Euro Crisis: 1.     Accept that some Eurozone countries cannot survive within the Euro. Greece for example, as the most seriously troubled of these has only one major problem – the Euro itself. As long as its currency is tied to that of Germany in particular, the Greek economy is […]

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Will annuities be better the second time around?

From next year, those of you holding an annuity will be able to “resell” it. Good idea… or bad? And who might be able to gain from the move? By Mark Soper. George Osborne has confirmed the go-ahead for the “resale” of existing annuity plans from April 2017 – a move that was pencilled in when […]

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