16th February 2016 by RetireEasy
Are you, or is someone you know, a woman born in the 1950s? If so they may well be one of 700,000 caught in what has been described as a “brutal pensions trap”. Former pensions minister Steve Webb has just admitted publicly what many people have been saying for a long time now: the Government […]
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15th February 2016 by RetireEasy
Old age doesn’t come alone, writes Tony Watts OBE. One of the by products of extending life expectancies is that a great many of us will spend at least several years – possibly even a decade or longer – needing some form of health or social care support. And while most of us conjure up […]
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8th February 2016 by RetireEasy
RetireEasy is a totally independent organisation and we strive to bring you the most up to date and interesting blogs and thoughts written by our resident experts, Mark Soper A.C.I.I and Tony Watts OBE. Sometimes, however, we come across a great piece of material that simply needs to be shared and the attached flyer written […]
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5th February 2016 by RetireEasy
We hear from the ONS today that the happiest age group are those aged between 65 and 79 and that ties in perfectly with the RetireEasy slogan ‘’Don’t worry, be happy’’ The ONS report goes on to suggest that married couples and those still working part-time and healthy are the happiest of all. The key […]
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2nd February 2016 by RetireEasy
The Tapered Annual Allowance affects employees with adjusted income exceeding £150,000 and threshold income that exceeds £110,000. The Annual allowance will gradually reduce from £40,000 to £10,000 p.a. where adjusted earnings exceed £210.000. This new rule effective from 6 April 2016 may at first sight only appear to impact the 300,000 or so individuals lucky […]
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31st January 2016 by RetireEasy
Two thirds worry about money on a monthly basis and majority have negative views of retirement years. The majority of people in the UK in or nearing retirement are afraid they will not have enough money to continue funding their lifestyle after they retire, according to a study released today by the UK’s first online service […]
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31st January 2016 by RetireEasy
Post-Budget confusion leads to retirement revamp The online financial planning website RetireEasy.co.uk will become a free service this month in response to a dramatic uplift in queries from retirees following recent Government changes to the rules applicable to pension drawdown arrangements. General confusion among retirees on how to manage their pension pot from April 2015 […]
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26th January 2016 by RetireEasy
With all the speculation on what the Chancellor will or won’t do in the Budget, many individuals have or are preparing to make larger than normal pension contributions to capture the higher rate tax reliefs currently available. The flip side of tax relief on contributions paid in, is a potential tax charge on excessive pension […]
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24th January 2016 by RetireEasy
Read the full article on telegraph.co.uk.
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22nd January 2016 by RetireEasy
Well, the rumour mill has started in earnest about what further changes to the pension rules George Osborne may or may not be contemplating in the March budget. The Daily Mail’s website – This Is Money – has launched a campaign to ‘’stop savers’ pensions being destroyed.’’ There may be some mileage in it and […]
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