
Updates and Views from RetireEasy

Will annuities be better the second time around?

From next year, those of you holding an annuity will be able to “resell” it. Good idea… or bad? And who might be able to gain from the move? By Mark Soper George Osborne has confirmed the go-ahead for the “resale” of existing annuity plans from April 2017 – a move that was pencilled in […]

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Have women been short changed with their pension?

Are you, or is someone you know, a woman born in the 1950s? If so they may well be one of 700,000 caught in what has been described as a “brutal pensions trap”. By Tony Watts OBE Former pensions minister Steve Webb recently admitted publicly what many people have been saying for a long time […]

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More advice on getting the max out of your RetireEasy LifePlan

We are truly delighted with the feedback and questions we receive from you all and in most cases we are able to offer a LifePlan solution to the financial events that you wish to plot.  From this feedback, we have put together some useful tips which hopefully will help you if you wish to plot […]

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Pensions Freedom: welcome to the wonderful world of Kafka…

So what have the new pensions freedom and an early 20th century writer, whose works describe labyrinthine bureaucracy, have in common? If you haven’t already guessed, let me explain, writes Mark Soper. I’m a keen visitor to So are a great many other people – it is a very good site indeed. And in […]

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Mark’s top six tips on Pensions Freedom – numbers one to three

Since pensions freedom went live on 6th April this year, writes Mark Soper, there has been a huge amount of “noise’’ around pensions – as well as a potentially tax-laden emergency Budget. So where does all that leave the nation’s army of retirees as well as those approaching retirement? The short answer is: no one […]

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Mark’s top tips for pensions freedom – numbers four to six

Pensions Freedom time is upon us. Sort of. And in this and an accompanying article ( Mark Soper offers his six top tips to overcome the barriers and make the most of the opportunities Top Tip 4 – How will you use the drawdown money? There may be some very sound reasons why you may […]

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Do you have a pension entitlement you’ve forgotten about?

Have you got a pension tucked away that you’ve forgotten about? Here’s how to find out… A couple of years ago, a survey came out with an interesting stat: that (on average) we Brits each work for six different employers over a lifetime. It also revealed that (again on average) we down over 32,000 cups […]

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