
Updates and Views from RetireEasy

Planning To Pay For Your Care In Later Life

The long-awaited Dilnot Commission has elevated the massive cost of health care in later life in the public consciousness. And its suggested sharing of the costs between the individual and the State have been broadly welcomed. But any outcomes will not come into play for some time to come. Until then, what should those in […]

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As We Live Longer So Too Must Our Finances

People are living longer, an undisputed fact that could be considered a breakthrough were it not for the serious financial consequences it has in today’s economic climate. The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics reveals the average life expectancy for UK men and women rose again by four months to 78.2 and 82.3 […]

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Retirees & pre-retirees live in fear of financial ruin

The majority of people in the UK in or nearing retirement are afraid they will not have enough money to continue funding their lifestyle after they retire, according to a study released today by the UK’s first online service allowing them to take control of their finances,

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Now couples are put in control of their own retirement

Welcome to the very latest update from RetireEasy, the new online software programme that enables you to monitor your finances and control your own retirement. We start with news of an important new innovation now being made available. As from today (21st October) you can now choose between ‘Singles’ and ‘Couples’ versions of the software. […]

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Abolition Of DRA: A ‘Lifeline’ To Those Nearing Retirement

The recent abolition of the Default Retirement Age (DRA)is a much needed lifeline to those nearing retirement, according to Richard Collinson Co-Founder and CEO of The newly launched site provides the only comprehensive, online tool that empowers those in or nearing retirement to plan for their financial future.

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Take Control Of Your Retirement

Those coming up to retirement need all the help they can get to weather the punishing financial climate, says Lorna Bourke. Retirement planning is the area where savers most seek help from the experts, and in today’s investment environment it isn’t difficult to see why.

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Post Finance – Save Us From Euro Despair

AS European leaders struggle with the possibly terminal problems of the euro, and the US is buried equally in debt, these are grim days for savers of all ages – and especially for the over-50s thinking of giving up work. A survey by, an online financial planning tool, reckons 79% of 50 -to -70 […]

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Ease Your Retirement Worries

There is plenty to worry about if your are retired or about to retire. The value of your pension pot has probably fallen over summer. Plus annuity rates are down, inflation is up, and many income drawdown investors are facing a shock drop in income.

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New features on RetireEasy.

Not yet retired?

You can now include all your additional savings, investments and Pension Contributions between now and your retirement, taking into account increasing these Additional Contributions year-on-year and stipulating whether these are one-off or recurring contributions. As always, you can revisit these projections and change them at any time either when your expectations change, or you have real numbers to replace projections already made.

New useful charts?

There are now three additional charts, further breaking down your assets and income.

Download your data in a spreadsheet?

You can now also download spreadsheets giving you the opportunity to view all of your entered information, and your entire LifePlan in one glance.

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