
Updates and Views from RetireEasy

What do employees want? A pension and good advice

If employers want to solve their recruitment crisis, then they should be looking hard at the pension they are offering – and the advice they are providing for their staff’s retirement finances. That’s the biggest takeaway from a new survey of HR professionals by Punter Southall Aspire. For the last two years, flexible working has […]

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Rising prices add between 11% and 20% to cost of retirement

Depending upon the standard of living you are aspiring to in retirement, inflation in 2022 has added between 11 and 20% to the cost, with implications for the pension pots people will need to save. According to the latest inflation update of the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association’s Retirement Living Standards, those on the “Minimum” […]

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What’s on the horizon for your finances in 2023?

After a year many of us will want to see the back of, we can only hope that 2023 will be a little kinder on our nerves… and our wallets. Financial services company Hargreaves Lansdown has put together a timeline of events that could impact upon savers and taxpayers in the coming 12 months, and […]

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Are YOU in control of your flight path to retirement? By Tony Watts OBE

Appropriately for the festive season, the media recently has been well and truly stuffed with coverage of the Government’s plans to encourage workers to delay their retirement and/or actually “unretire”. It’s not a new theme, as plenty of commentators (including, ahem, myself) have seen this coming down the tracks for some time now, as an […]

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Cost of future care adds up to £110k to pension pot requirement

According to new analysis from Quilter, the wealth manager and financial adviser, retirees hoping for a comfortable retirement – together with enough money for care would need to build up an estimated £470,000 in retirement wealth. Using the PLSA’s Retirement Living Standards definition of what constitutes a comfortable retirement, a single person would need to […]

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Older employees re-evaluating retirement plans and pension contributions

Two new surveys have revealed the ongoing impact of the cost-of-living crisis on people heading towards retirement. According to research by Scottish Widows, some 15 per cent of men and 16 per cent of women have reduced pension contributions to cope with rising prices. Scottish Widows calculates that – for someone aged 40 cutting back […]

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How does dental health insurance work for the over 50s?

By the time we reach our 50s, we are often spending more time in the dentist’s chair ensuring our teeth are in good working order, and with the NHS option becoming less available around the country, many of those in a position to do so are looking at the option of taking out insurance. But […]

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Three in five Brits feel stressed about later life planning

It’s Stress Awareness Week (7-11 November)… so how stressed are YOU about your later life planning? According to Aviva, more than three in five people (61%) feel stressed when they think about their retirement – a figure that rises to almost three-quarters (74%) of 25–34-year-olds. Reassuringly, it appears that the close to retirement people are, […]

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