More on the canals and the drought.

4th May 2012 by RetireEasy

Chris Collinson-RetireEasy

I am sure we have all heard the current expression “the wettest drought on record”. Certainly in the Midlands British Waterways have temporarily lifted some of the restrications as we, apparently, have “too much water in the canals”!

A further bizarre issue with one of the reservoirs feeding the Oxford Canal is badgers.

An extensive badger sett was revealed in January after vegetation works were undertaken as part of a feeder clearance programme. This sett is in a position that impacts on the levels to which the reservoir can be allowed to rise.

Given the plentiful rainfall over the last week or so these restriction levels have been reached sooner than anticipated and water has had to be released into the canal as water continues to flow into the reservoir. This, effectively, limits the ability to conserve water in this reservoir.

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