Should we trust Excel?

25th April 2013 by RetireEasy

I hope that if you are reading this blog you have already decided to sign up to use RetireEasy.

Or perhaps you are one of many people who trust their financial planning to Microsoft Excel.  If you are, can you be sure that all the calculations in your spreadsheet are correct?   Have you had an independent audit of your spreadsheet?

Harvard University economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff have admitted making a spreadsheet calculation mistake in a 2010 research paper, “Growth in a Time of Debt”, which has been widely cited to justify budget-cutting.

Did the conclusions about debt, growth and need for painful correction send the
politicians of the world down the wrong paths when developing budget solutions?

Maybe that is an over-dramatization, but Forbes magazine have stated that ‘Microsoft’s Excel Might Be The Most Dangerous Software on the Planet’!

I am sure that the average home user of Excel believes that their spreadsheet does the job for them, but you should always understand that a simple error can give a very different outcome and may cause unwanted future anxiety.






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