You can enter details of all contributions you expect to make towards and Pension Plan, whether it is a Private or Company Plan and whether these contributions are made on a one-off or recurring basis.
If it is a Company Plan (including SIPP and SSAS), you will also be able to enter your employer's expected contributions.
You can even specify if you expect these contributions to increase over time.
You can also enter details of any future Savings or Investments you expect to make prior retirement, and let you select whether these are taxable or tax-free (such as ISAs or National Savings).
Again you can select one-off or recurring savings, and if you wish, anticipate increases in these savings from year to prior to retirement.
You will then be able to visualize the effect of these further contributions and savings on your finances throughout your retirement. It is an ideal tool to enable you to decide how much to put away to ensure that when you do retire, you have enough assets to ensure that you can achieve the lifestyle you want over the years ahead.
RetireEasy is the UK’s only independent retirement planning tool. LifePlan gives you an overview of all of your assets – including investments, pensions, savings, business assets and properties – and the income you will receive after liabilities such as debts, mortgages and income tax. It is not just a snapshot, but shows you how your finances will evolve throughout your retirement.
With Premium LifePlan you can model a Lifetime Mortgage, create and compare up to 10 scenarios of your financial future, radically reduce life insurance costs through a Life Assurance Premium Checker and you can print user-friendly narrative reports.
RetireEasy was established in 2011 and has helped thousands of users to understand their finances throughout retirement and adjust their plans to ensure that their money will last.