I don't often plug products, but I think that RetireEasy is offering the 'holy grail' solution that many of you have been waiting for...
...the software enables users to enter myriad combinations of assets and income including pensions, isas, and business and property interests.
The service is likely to prove popular with retired accountants, although it is simple enough for anyone to use.
Research carried out by RetireEasy.co.uk suggested 59% of men aged 50-70 take all of the financial planning responsibility in their households.
The company behind it have built in almost every conceivable “if” and “what”, enabling you to personalise your own “spreadsheet”.
If their future was financially secure, RetireEasy found the majority of people would spend more.
The RetireEasy LifePlan modeling enabled us to look ahead 15, 20 or even 40 years. It did make me feel more confident. I realized that we would be OK, that we have choices and options.
I have just had a first run through inputting my data. The program works really well - even with my iPad running off a shaky 3G connection! The user interface is clear and simple
I've been running RetireEasy for a few weeks now and have to say as a financial advisor, I am hugely impressed... entering information is easy and caters for simple financial arrangements right through to more complex ones.
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